Friday 9th September 2022 London:
We are pleased to announce that Through Technology is now certified to the Cyber Essentials Plus standard.
Cyber Essentials is a standard developed by the UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to help organisations ensure and demonstrate that they are operating their internal information systems securely.
Through Technology has been certified for the standard Cyber Essentials scheme for 5 years. However, this year we have gone one step further to step up to the "Plus" certification which requires a confirmation audit by a certified external assessor.
Along with our ISO27001 Security Management Certification, this demonstrates to our customers that Through Technology has a robust and proven approach to managing our information security, and that of our customers.
If you would like more information on this story, or assistance improving your organisation's information security, please get in touch with us at enquiries@throughtechnology.uk or @through_tech.